The important thing to remember is you have to always click through your account to get the credit for your purchases! There are so many different ways to get paid on this site but this one is by far the best as printing coupons for free and getting paid to do it......... is awesome!!!!!
This is so exciting to me!!!! I hope you also join up and reap the extra cash your printing is generating instead of giving that cash to some other blog site for directing you there........... "light bulbs are flashing everywhere I hope!"
Here is a copy of my prints payout just from yesterday (I was experimenting to see how it pays and just clicked on 3 or 4........) color me one happy camper when I pulled it open today and say I earned $.28 cents for it..........
Your 20 Most Recent Purchases
Date | Store | Amount | Cash Back |
05/11/2012 | | $0.00 | $0.28 |
05/10/2012 | Walgreens | $9.85 | $0.48 |
YEP! You are reading it right...... I didn't spend a penny (column one) yet I EARNED $.28 cents just for PRINTING MY freebie COUPONS..........
Now it's your turn to go get paid!!!!!
Here is the link again to sign up...... SIGN UP HERE
Here is the link to read more about how it works.... HOW BIG CRUMBS WORKS
Here is the link to my personal profile on Big Crumbs.... SHELLEY'S PROFILE PAGE
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